2012 YSA Conference in Hungary
We had a very successful YSA Conference the first of August, with just a little over 200 YSA’s from Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Poland, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Moldova, and Bosnia attending. We also had some attending from America (former missionaries), and YSA’s from the Netherlands, Germany, Turkey, Austria, Switzerland, Albania, and Canada. It was a busy week with many spiritual, physical and fun filled activities. I can’t believe how fast the week sped by. Our counsel members were amazing in the service they performed for everyone. Every time we went to check to see if they needed any help with a certain activity, our counsel members were hard at work! They had it all under control! As our prophet has said, these Young Single Adults are certainly the future of the church in Hungary!
Our group of YSA from many different countries who attended the Conference this year in Hungary.
When each bus full of YSA's arrived, they were led to the Check in table where they began the process if registering for the Conference.

Then, they worked their way through several stations where they received a name tag,
Conference T-shirt, a room assignment and a lunch!
Get to Know You Activities
There were a variety of Get To Know You activities held throughout the Conference.
This one was held at the beginning.
During the Speed dating game, everyone got to interview each other.
Viktor gave dance instruction to everyone.
First he taught the young ladies . . .
Next, he taught the young men.
Last of all, they had the opportunity to practice together.
There were many different activities to participate in during the conference.
These YSA's are enjoying the crafts that were available.
Jewelry making was a lot of fun!
They made some very creative copper jewelry pieces.
Badminten was a lot of fun!
This game was very different! It was set up much like bowling,
but the object was to knock over all of the numbered cylinders,
or the highest numbers one at a time with a wooden cylinder to earn the most points.
There were also some games from long ago available to try.
The stilts were a lot of fun!
Everyone chose a service project to participate in.
Loom hats were being made to donate to needy children.
Some of them made quiet books to take back to their branches for the children.
Some of them worked hard clearing hiking trails near the hotel.

They had a beautiful forest to work in.
One part of the conference that I was assigned to help with was the hike. So, on Thursday, my day was spent hiking with Sanyi and Reka. We wanted to make sure we knew where we were going before leading everyone else on Friday. :)
We took what we thought was going to be the easy hike, but, it turned out to be a difficult one. The trail was narrow and steep, and sometimes rocky. But, the views were beautiful!
We took the Thirring Korut trail.
The trail is marked on the trees that line the trail.
There were times when we had to climb over large, fallen trees and just as I was getting a bit tired, we rounded a corner and saw a bunch of fallen trees completely covering the trail. This was very discouraging for me because I was pretty exhausted at this point. All I could think about is that we would have to go back up the same way we had come down, and I wondered if I would have enough energy to make it. But instead of giving up, we decided to press forward and find a way through. We had to literally crawl under one of the fallen trees and then climb up and over the rest of them. Climbing up on top of the tree was the easy part - getting down was just a little trickier. Sanyi was a perfect gentleman and helped me down each time. :) Finally, we came out safely on the other side.
Sister Hanson was happy it was easier than it looked! :)
Just like most ‘hind sight’ experiences, the blocked path didn’t seem as bad as it had before. This whole experience made me think about how sometimes in our lives, things seem impossible from where we are at the moment. But, then as we rely on our Heavenly Father’s guidance and begin to try to work our way through them, we are able to make progress beyond what seemed impossible before. From the ‘goal accomplished’ side of the trial, we can then look back and see how it wasn’t nearly as bad as we thought. :) We can then be grateful for all the experiences we had along the way and for all that we learned.
The rest of the trail was easy and beautiful!
On Friday, we had the hike. I led the easy hike that took us to some very pretty views. All went well and because we stopped to take lots of pictures, the entire short hike took about an hour. Those who attended were happy with the length of the hike.
View of the valley and Duna
Our group!
The end of the trail!
Sanyi and Reka led the hike we took the previous day.
The beginning of the trail.
They had a dance every night. One night, they had Country Presentations.
For Hungary, Livi and Mimi dressed up in historic Hungarian dress, and danced with Viktor. Then, they went around the circle pulling others in to join them in the dance. They had a very fun time!
Country Presentations
Council Members worked hard to prepare refreshments for everyone!
The Gala dance!
Everyone dressed up for the Gala dance.
They had a great time dancing the night away!
Elvis came to the dance as well.
They broke a pinata!
And found candy for the taking!
President and Sister Smith spoke at the fireside the night of the Gala Dance.
We attended the Gala Dance also!
Sister Hanson, Sister Adams and Sister Smith