Our Young Single Adults |
Elder Beaumont and Austin taught a lesson from Preach My Gospel on the Tree of Life. They introduced their lesson on the Lehi’s dream of the Iron Rod, with an activity. It’s one that I remember doing in Young Women’s. :) They had a little obstacle course with a string to hang onto to help guide the YSA's through it. It was totally dark inside the CES room, so with a blind fold, they had to hold onto the string to help them know where to go. As they entered the room, they were given the instructions to hold onto the iron rod and not let go for any reason. Then, several of the missionaries would say things to them to try to tempt them to let go of the rod. Right after Sister Bagozzi said, “Hold tight to the Iron Rod and don’t let go.” Elder Saunders told them “Well except there will be a place later on where you will have to let go of it for a short while. I’m the spirit and I will help you know when that time comes.” Then, he would go along with them and when the other Elder’s would tempt them to let go, Elder Saunders would say, “Don’t listen to them. Don’t let go.” Then, they came to a table where they had to crawl under the table while holding onto the string. This was the place where he told them it was ok to let go. He was so sneaky - just like Satan with his sneaky, conniving whispers . 50% of them listened to Elder Saunders and let go! When they did it, he said, “Noooooo!” He felt so bad about leading them astray. :) The funny thing was . . . Elder Saunders and Elder Wright’s investigator, Evi, who is getting baptized on Friday, didn’t listen to him at all. She just said, “No, I’m not letting go of the iron rod.” :) Sister Smith and her daughter made a make shift Tree of Life out of a coat rack and crepe paper and plastic leaves. And Elder Wright dressed up as Lehi with a Beard-o and sheets for his clothes. It was a very fun activity and taught a very good lesson. After the activity, they went into the Institute room to talk about the things they learned.
Lehi (Elder Wright) and the Tree of Life
The fruit is a yummy Hungarian coconut candy. |
Elder and Sister Bagozzi partook of the fruit! |
Sister Hanson partook of the fruit! |
Sister Smith partook of the fruit! |
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